Welcome to the St. Patrick Academy Website!
As you will see on the “School History” page of this website, St. Patrick’s is a long and treasured story in the annals of Rhode Island Catholic Education. While the school’s model of service has changed several times over the past 168 years, our commitment to serving God by educating His children has not. That commitment has forged long and strong ties to our alumni, to the Smith Hill neighborhood, to the city of Providence, and to the State of Rhode Island. We continue that commitment through St. Patrick Academy, where our small Catholic community allows each student to become known and valued as an individual.
We follow the example of our patron saint who displayed courage, patience, perseverance, and great love in returning to preach and teach the Gospel in the land that had earlier enslaved him. We, too, pray for those same virtues as we continue that same mission among our own students. I ask that you join us in that prayer!
A word (and perhaps a whole volume) of thanks goes out to the many “villages” that help us achieve our mission: to our faculty, staff, and administrators who make tremendous gifts of their time, energy, creativity, and resources every day; to the parents and guardians of our students for their trust and many sacrifices; to our School Board and the adult and student volunteers who mentor, coach, lead, tutor, assist, and guide our students; to our donors and benefactors whose generosity and faith make our mission possible; As we move forward in our mission, we remember that we are never alone. To paraphrase the words of our patron saint, “Christ with us, Christ before us, Christ behind us, Christ within us.”
God bless you!