The Adopt-a-Student Program at St. Patrick Academy
The Adopt-a-Student program matches a generous donor with a student in need. An adoption (or sponsorship) can be established with a minimum gift of $844. The donor is welcome to maintain
correspondence with her/his sponsored student through an exchange of letters and cards. The opportunity to meet the students takes place at the annual Appreciation Breakfast.
At St. Patrick Academy, no student is turned away due to an inability to pay tuition. This year, 71% of SPA families will pay $2,000 or less in tuition, yet the cost to educate each student is $13,500. The unfunded portion is supported by generous donors like you. Now more than ever, we need your help. You can contribute a one-time gift or divide your donation over the course of the academic year. Adopt-a-Student contributions are welcome during the annual NACEPF Challenge and the Lenten Appeal, too.
▪ Full-year sponsorship: $13,500
▪ Half-year sponsorship: $6,750
▪ Quarter-year sponsorship: $3,375
▪ Stewardship sponsorship: $1,688
▪ Friendship sponsorship: $844
For more information, contact the SPA Development Office:
▪ Robin Tagliaferri, Development Director
(401) 421 - 0810 - rtagliaferri@stpatsri.org
▪ Veronica Seda, Assistant to the Development Director
(401) 421 - 9300, ext. 116 - vseda@stpatsri.org