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Welcome and thank you for your interest in our school! 

St. Patrick Academy welcomes applications for all grades 9-12.  Most students enter the Academy in 9th grade, but we also welcome applications for transfer students to the upper grades.

We work diligently to maintain a strong educational environment, and this begins with our admissions process, including 8th grade school visits, Open House, and shadow days.  

At Open House, parents and students receive further informational materials, tour the school, meet and interview administrators and faculty, and talk with current students.

When should I begin?

The admissions process begins in the fall of 8th grade.

How should I begin?

Look over all the material here on our website.  Come to one of our Open Houses and schedule a tour and/or a shadow day.  Interested students are encouraged to shadow a current student for a day to get a better understanding of what St. Patrick Academy is all about.  Reach out to our Admissions Department to schedule a tour and/or shadow day!

When should I apply?

The application process is ongoing and interested families can apply at any time. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. That begins with submitting a fully complete application, including an application for financial aid.

Does it cost anything to apply to St. Patrick Academy?

No.  Unlike other RI Catholic high schools, St. Patrick Academy does not require an application fee. 

Is there a Entrance Exam or Placement Test?

Yes.  All students applying to St. Patrick Academy are required to take the Catholic High School Placement Test (HSPT).  More information can be found under Placement Test on the menu at right.    

Our Admissions Committee is comprised of the Principal, Admissions Director/Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Student Life, and School Social Worker. Together, the Committee reviews each student’s application materials to assess his/her ability to perform well in our rigorous college-preparatory program and the family’s need in accordance with the Academy’s Mission.

The Committee relies on the following information via application:

  • Submission of a completed application, including application for financial aid;
  • School transcripts or report cards that reflect current and past performance;
  • A recommendation from a current teacher, counselor, or administrator;
  • Completion of the HSPT/Receipt of HSPT scores;
  • An interview with the student and parent/guardian.


Preference is given to applicants who are siblings of current students, children of alumni and faculty, and student who have been enrolled in Catholic elementary and secondary schools.  We do this only if the student’s application and information reflect the willingness and ability to meet or exceed Academy expectations.